Description & Product Information
Every care has been taken to describe items accurately, however slight variations may occur with colour reproduction or text descriptions, to the extent permitted by law, we do not warrant that the text descriptions, colours or other content is accurate, complete, reliable, current or error free. All graphics, artwork, photos, descriptive matter, specifications and advertising issued on this website and any descriptions, photos or illustrations contained in the Clothing Partners range are issued or published for the sole purpose of giving an approximate idea of the products described in them. They will not form part of the contract with you and no warranty or guarantee shall be expressed or implied in the contract with you in this regard. Clothing Partners shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss whether this arises from breach of duty, breach of contract, negligence or any other way. Liability for any claim shall not exceed the price of the goods supplied.
Acceptable Use
You acknowledge that you are responsible for all communications sent via or to this website and agree your use of this website for private, proper and lawful purposes only. You will not carry out any act or omission or procure any act or omission which would: Damage, delay, interrupt or impair the use of this website or its software; Cause any illegal, offensive, defamatory material to be placed on or associated with this website; Be in breach of any copyright, trade mark, privacy, confidence, or any other third party right; or cause any inconvenience to Clothing Partners, its employees, servants, agents, software and other suppliers or any other third party (including, without limitation, creating or procuring software viruses, chain letters, unsolicited communications and ‘spam’). In the event that you breach any of these conditions, you will indemnify and keep indemnified Clothing Partners, its parent, subsidiaries, associated companies, employees, servants, agents, professional advisors, suppliers and affiliates from time to time against all damages, losses, claims, costs, charges, awards, orders, judgments and other liabilities suffered or threatened as a result of a breach of these conditions.